Slow Computer

computer-1071694There are many reasons which causes your computer to slow. Some of the reasons are:

  1. Bad ventilation and accumulation of  dusts around the vents or internal fans.
    – Depending on what is in the dust, it can actually cause computer components to short,
    – Too much dust can block air flow and make your computer hot or overheated, The hotter  your computer component (video card, memory, CPU, motherboard, etc..),  runs the shortest life span will be.
  2. Spyware and Malware are the big causes of computer problems.
    Spyware steals credit card, bank account number, address books and logs what you type.
  3. Malware hijacks your browser and forces it to go to advertising web page, slow down your computer into a zombie that serves
  4. Many viruses attach themselves to legitimate executable files on a host computer that allow the virus to be loaded when the user opens the file. A virus generally will be activated when it is loaded into a computer’s memory, and then it may continue to spread its viral code into a number of other programs and files stored on the host computer. The computer’s programs may still continue to work normally, but also spread the virus’ code to other machines on the same network, or machines that use the same storage devices. Some viruses use polymorphic code to avoid detection by antivirus software, modifying their decryption modules so that the virus changes each time it infects a new host
  5. Hardware/software conflict.
  6. Computer is old

If you your computer is getting slower or changes it’s behavior, please call us.